A flow pump consisting of a CMR-compatible piston pump capable of flow rates between 0.1 and 35 ml/s (CompuFlow 1000 MR, Shelley Medical Imaging Technologies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and a control unit with proprietary software (SimuFlow III, Shelley Medical Imaging Technologies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) was used to simulate transaortic in vivo blood flow. Thereto, a physiological, pre-programmed, pulsatile waveform was reshaped with the peak flow rate set to the maximum of 35 ml/s followed by a weaker flow lobe with reversed flow direction (peak reverse flow rate: 15 ml/s) for inducing closure of the valve leaflets. A dedicated ECG trigger output of the flow pump allowed for the compulsory ECG gating of the PC CMR imaging sequences.
Duro Piston Pump Manual.epub