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Good Christian Books for Non-Believers: The Power of God's Love and Grace


Written by British author and theologian C.S. Lewis, this classic book is about the core beliefs of Christianity, hence the name Mere Christianity. Lewis masterfully articulates the moral argument for the existence of God and allows readers to view Christianity from a fresh and unbiased perspective. As the author is aware of the arguments against Christianity, he takes on them one by one, pointing out the logical inconsistencies in the atheistic worldview. This is a great book for skeptics and non-believers who wish to read an eloquent writer debate their views.

This book is a work of fiction, but nevertheless, it is an engaging and thought-provoking volume that talks about the meaning of life, the existence of God, pain, and faith, and faithlessness. The book begins with an envelope addressed to the main character, Nick Cominsky, a skeptic who does not believe in Christianity. The letter invites him to dinner with Jesus of Nazareth. Although Nick initially dismisses the invitation as he thinks it is a prank played on him by his friends, his curiosity gets the better of him, and he eventually shows up to have dinner with his mysterious host, who calls himself Jesus. The two men talk about Heaven and Hell and world religions, among other things, and Nick is perturbed by how much his host seems to know about his personal life. A deeply engrossing read, this one is a book that will appeal to non-believers from all walks of life.

good christian books for non-believers

Another good resource that I'm familiar with are the books by Lee Strobel: The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith, the Case for a Creator, and The Case for the Real Jesus. These books are sold in teen editions as well as adult editions.

I love encouraging people to read weighty, worthy, readable Christian books. I have said many times, Read! Read! Read! But beware of wasting your time on theological foam and suds. Read rich doctrinal books about the one who called you to his glory and excellence (2 Peter 1:3).

Suppose you read about 250 words a minute and that you resolve to devote just 15 minutes a day to serious theological reading to deepen your grasp of biblical truth. In one year (365 days) you would read for 5,475 minutes. Multiply that times 250 words per minute and you get 1,368,750 words per year. Now most books have between 300 and 400 words per page. So, if we take 350 words per page and divide that into 1,368,750 words per year, we get 3,910 pages per year. This means that at 250 words a minute, 15 minutes a day, you could read about 20 average-sized books a year!

While all of Scripture is God-breathed and relevant for every person, some books of the Bible may be especially useful for certain people or situations. What follows below is a dozen books of the Bible recommended for non-believers, new believers, and more mature believers.1

Jack Wellman is a father and grandfather and a Christian author and pastor of Heritage Evangelical Free Church in Udall, KS [ ] & also a Prison Minister. He did his graduate work at Moody Theological Seminary. His books are include: Teaching Children The Gospel/How to Raise Godly Children, Do Babies Go To Heaven?/Why Does God Allow Suffering?, "The Great Omission; Reaching the Lost for Christ," and Blind Chance or Intelligent Design?, Empirical Methodologies & the Bible."

Over the years my favorite genre has been Christian non-fiction books, whether I was reading books on spiritual growth, self-help books or devotionals. More lately, I have delved into the Christian fiction genre and have been very pleasantly surprised.

These books are by Christian women authors on various topics of spiritual growth and encouragement. The objective was to list the books (in no particular order) that have had the most impact on myself or women I know.

The artwork is absolutely beautiful but her words are equally (if not more) captivating! This is also a wonderful gift for friends! You can find Beholding and Becoming along with her other books here: Books by Ruth Chou Simons

Any young adults struggling to find a footing in the world of adult life will welcome this witty, non-patronizing guide as one of the best Christian books for young women. Click HERE for the current price.

Our desires for intimacy are powerful. This power can be constructive or destructive. This is one of the best books for single Christian women as it shows our satisfaction and our safety will be ensured if we can aim these powerful desires toward divine purposes. Click HERE for the current price.

3. Oswald ChambersChambers was a Scottish evangelist who is recognized for founding the Holiness movement. His teachings mainly focused on the character of God and how that influenced the faith. He wrote many spiritual and religious books that have been very popular with God-loving people. His publications have never been out of print and translated over 40 different languages! His most notable works are; My Utmost for His Highest, If You Will Ask, Love, a Holy Command, Hope, a Holy Promise.

9. John CalvinCalvin was greatly inspired by Martin Luther and wanted to carry forward the reformation. His knowledge over history, theology and doctrine was so vast that he decided to become a novelist. His theologies include; Institutes of the Christian Religion, Commentaries on most books of the Bible, The Bondage and Liberation of the Will, The Secret Providence of God.

You might want to check out The Bible And It's Influence. Along with detailed discussion of the books of the Bible from beginning to end, it explains how these works influenced culture, art, politics, etc. I have to add that I have not held it in my hands yet, but I have heard good things about it from people I like. It appears to be a beautiful book as well.

I know you're looking for "books" technically. But surely you're aware that using the term "mythology" is insulting my intelligence and insinuating that I have no historical, scientific, or physical evidence for my beliefs.

I think any number of Bible story books that don't include commentary could be used for your purposes. Most bookstores with a children's department will carry a small selection of these, and you can look for one with pictures and a reading level that would appeal to your kids. Dorling Kindersley publishes several that would work fine for you.

Why can't you just use a children's Bible - consider it as a simplified primary source? I've not read the D'Aulaire book, but all the myth collections and simplified retellings of the Iliad/Odyssey/Aeneid I've read just tell the stories, with no commentary about their factualness or lack thereof. And there is no difference in presentation b/w my kids' Bible storybooks and all their other storybooks - I have to provide the real/fantasy context.

Then, if you move on to the first story, you'll see a lot of references to "we". I really don't want something that talks about how "we" believe this or that, because in my home, we don't. This is actually the type of thing that is hardest to avoid as a non-Christian dealing with books written for Christians.

Really, if you don't want commentary, this is the way to do it. I have looked at a lot of children's Bible story books, and they all have a slant. The slants are quite different from each other, but they are definitely there in all of them.

Born in Belfast Ireland on Nov. 29, 1898, Clive Staples Lewis (nicknamed Jack) grew up with a deep love for reading books. Some of his favorites were Beatrix Potter stories; he had a fascination for writing and illustrating his own animal stories.

Stephen Liggins has worked as a lawyer and in the media. These days he serves as a pastor at a church in Sydney, is an occasional lecturer, and writes Christian books and articles. His books Travelling the World as Citizens of Heaven (on Christianity and travel) and The Good Sporting Life (on Christianity and sport) can both be purchased from

We want to constantly reinforce awareness and sometimes that means reading a lot of good books. Whether it is mental health for pastors or ways to integrate Christian practices into counseling sessions, we have it below.

We will only be recommending books we think are worth it and will have links to reviews for those who want to better understand why we think this is a good book for you. This will be an ever-growing list, so hit us up on social media if you think of a book that is not featured below. 2ff7e9595c

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